WUKF new experience in Scotland started today with the first activities: registration of participants and referee seminars.

European Championship 2012 announce to be one of the strongest from WUKF history; 38 federations from 22 countries and more than 400 participants applied on-line using the WUKF on-line system of registration. Tomorrow, at the end of the registration time, we shall know the exact statistic of this event, but for sure our expectations were exceeded. Despite of the economic problems of the majorities of the countries, the federations sent to Irvine-Glasgow maybe not the full teams but for sure the best of it; this will lead to a high level of the championship and we are sure that all the participants will appreciate it.

The referees started their first meeting with a presentation of the ?hot points? of the WUKF rules followed by the Master Training that faced the referees with the Shotokan Master, Sensei Jean Paul Fischer ? 8th DANand the the Wado Ryu Master, Sensei Kando Shibamori, 8th DAN. In 2 hours the masters pointed the most important aspects that the referees must evaluate during the competition for Shotokan and Wado styles. It was a good moment that the referees used to clarify and uniform the Kata evaluation for these two styles, on next events the other styles will benefit of same method.

After the lunch generously offered by the organizers, the referees continued their training by several workshops very opportune conducted by the president of the Referee Commission, Mr. Sever Cucu. The presented subjects were intense discussed into a friendship atmosphere among the referees and coaches together. The Chief Referees had a special separate meeting for discussing the specific of their job for the next 3 days, identifying the small lacks or unclear expressions of the WUKF competition rules that will have to be corrected in the near future. The programed activities were finished at 17:30 and the referees were invited to a short visit of the city and a cocktail meeting offered by the organizers