Letter for federations
Letter for federations Dear colleagues! We started this year a Referee Seminar program for Referees and Coaches, to present and teach the WUKF Rules. Yes, also for coaches! Because they train and prepare the competitors and they must do it according to these Rules! We notice that coaches haven?t understand some of the WUKF Rules and they have old rules in mind! For this reason: discussions, protests, anger, etc. So, is compulsory to know the Rules. The first federation which organized a seminar was the Ulster Federation, lead by Mr Columba. Bravo and thanks for organizing and implication of Irish referees, coaches and competitors! For local reasons, Ukraine and Russia have declined this seminars already prepared. I wish that all understand that this kind of seminar is good FOR YOU! If you?ll have good referees, well prepared competitors (according the Rules) then you?ll have a safety valuable presence at the events, a better confidence in referees by supporting your own referees! If every federation proposes its target (concerning referees? and competitor?s performance) for next year 2011, for sure the first step in your referee strategy will be these seminars! Remains just one and a half year until the end of 2010, when all federations MUST provide to the main events of WUKF (world and continental) at least 2 persons (referee/judge)! Let?s use NOW the seminars and then you can work hard in your own your country! Furthermore: we have ?new entries? in WUKF family: Italy, Poland, Serbia, Denmark, Croatia, etc. We are so glad for these competitors who, for sure, will increase the value of competitions. Help them to prepare according to the Rules! You will need referees in competitions! Believe me, is very important to have good referee at the competitions! Don?t rely yourself on ?I have old referees?! They must change some habits, some old rules which still remain in there minds! An ?old? referee (no matter hi is coming from WKC, WKF, WUKO, etc) will be a BETTER WUKF REFEREE after some months of events practice. Our goal is to have a competent team of referees, knowing and applying correctly WUKF Rules. I?ll assume this task personally! So, let?s start the SEMINARS! Please, think, advice yourselves, consult everybody and then answer me, until 24 May 2010! - YES, we want to organise a WUKF seminar. - NO, we don?t need it. Let?s see some available dates 2010: June (free) ? August (Serbia?! nothing established) ? September (1- 20.09 is free)-October (Poland?!)-November (1-20.11 is free) Sever Cucu Chairman WUKF Referee Commission Email: sever_kct@yahoo.com