Karate to the Olympic Games?
Karate to the Olympic Games? This would do very good to the mankind conscience. Maybe it could seem an exaggeration, but, certainly, karate could become an important plug to embed with all the other political and religious initiatives which are trying to give to the rich West a great conscience on the deep values of life that are definitely fading. Karate could spread and teach people not only its technical side, but even the deepest side of martial arts, if it should be appropriately presented at the Olympic Games. It might be enough to introduce the karate principles, that consciously or unconsciously are trained by all karate styles, "modern" or "traditionalist": to improve the spirit - following the way of sincerity -, to strengthen tirelessly the spirit - keeping to an impeccable behavior -, to abstain from violence and to get self-control. Unfortunately the constant breaking up of karate into various Federations and Associations only for a few persons "interest" or for the conviction of training the "only real karate", moves the great possibility of getting karate included in the Olympic Games away. So we will arrive at the point of "no return" that will definitely exclude karate from the group of sports watched all over the world. We must consider that a boy who does physical exercise in a gym is one person less on the street; this is already a great result for which it is worth of going beyond all the reasonable convictions that the leadership of karate federations and associations put forward. A lot of people haven"t understand that who trains karate must keep high the value of martial arts above all the low human aspirations. One day a kumite champion told me: "I hate war, but I like fighting" and this make me understand again that who teaches karate, besides nourishing the people body, nourishes their soul too. It would be good if things could work as above mentioned, but, unfortunately, it"s not so. The deep values of life are disappearing just because people give priority to the material richness, to have rather than to be. Nowadays the "market" controls everybody life, and only if you have great riches you can influence it. Everything is regulated by profit and billions of workers are suffering the consequences of it. My personal opinion is that karate at the Olympic Games should be totally distorted favouring the show and the sponsors, but the most negative aspect is that, for public opinion, the Olympic karate should be the real karate and no other. By Giacomo Spartaco Bertoletti ( Samurai Magazine )