Monday, February 05, 2018

All Official WUKF Events and Affiliated Member Events that are sanctioned by the WUKF Executive Committee are posted on the WUKF Webpage and can be accessed at:

Eurethics Training Academy
Monday, February 05, 2018

WUKF and Eur.E.Th.I.C.S. Training Academy partnership for develop educational and European certification programs for our members. In short time, we shall extend our work to all the countries of the world recognized by UNESCO.


Kanzen Karate Scotland
Monday, February 05, 2018

Kanzen Karate Scotland perform for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

WUKF Members Kanzen Karate Scotland recently performed for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth whilst she was on a formal visit to the City of Dundee. The display team performed Shotokan Kihon, Kata and Kumite and the Queen was very impressed with the standard on show. She was accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh and several local and national dignitaries. Kanzen Karate Scotland President, Roy O'Kane said:

"It was a tremendous honour to show our Karate to Her Majesty the Queen whilst she visited our home city of Dundee. She was very impressed with the standard of the team and we are delighted that she thoroughly enjoyed the demonstration. We were able to tell the Queen about our recent success at the WUKF World Championships in Dublin."

No affiliation fees for the new country representativ
Monday, February 05, 2018

No affiliation fees for the new country representative. The diplomas and WUKF promotional materials will be offered FREE at the first participation in one of the WUKF events ONLY.

The list of fees can be checked in the Products - Fees page.