10th WUKF European Karate Championshp
Monday, September 25, 2017

10th WUKF European Karate Championshp

A busy week for WUKF President Mr. Liviu Crisan and WUKF Public Relations Officer Mr. Chris Galea on the beautiful island of Malta. Meetings with highest Tourism and Sports Authorities. Visits to various top hotels on the island and a very important visit to the fantastic venue where the 10th Edition of the WUKF European Karate Championships will be organized and hosted by the Maltese federation and WUKF member, SKSM Karate Malta.

Mediterranean Karate Alliance
Monday, August 28, 2017

1st Mediterranean Karate Grand Prix 2018

During June 2017, WUKF President, Mr. Liviu Crisan was awarded the prestigious position of the Honorary President of the MEDITERRANEAN KARATE ALLIANCE. MKA President Mr. Chris Galea, presented this position during a short ceremony at the UKS Italia Open in Verona.

The Mediterranean Karate Alliance is an umbrella organization committed to unite all the countries in the Mediterranean region under the banner of the World Union Karate Federation. The first Championship, the Mediterranean Karate Grand Prix, will be held in Malta, next March 2018, in parallel with the Malta Open 2018. Honorary President Mr.Liviu Crisan, will be presenting the winning prizes to all Winners of the event.

Regarding the use of WUKF Logo
Monday, July 31, 2017

Tuesday, June 06, 2017